
fiscalyear comes with a full test-suite called test_fiscalyear. To run the test-suite, you will need to install the following packages:

Running tests

Once pytest is installed, simply cd to the root directory of fiscalyear and run the pytest command.

$ git clone https://github.com/adamjstewart/fiscalyear.git
$ cd fiscalyear
$ pytest
============================ test session starts =============================
platform darwin -- Python 2.7.13, pytest-3.0.5, py-1.4.32, pluggy-0.4.0
rootdir: /Users/Adam/fiscalyear, inifile:
plugins: cov-2.3.1
collected 66 items

test_fiscalyear.py ..................................................................

========================= 66 passed in 0.21 seconds ==========================

pytest provides automatic test detection that locates the test_fiscalyear.py file and runs tests that begin with test_*.

Running tests during installation

Unit tests can optionally be run during installation as well. To build, test, and install the fiscalyear module, run:

$ python setup.py build
$ python setup.py test
$ python setup.py install --prefix=/path/to/installation/prefix

This also requires the pytest-runner package to be installed.

Continuous Integration (CI)

In order to prevent bugs from being introduced into the code, fiscalyear uses Travis CI for continuous integration. After every commit or pull request, Travis automatically runs the test-suite across all supported versions of Python 2 and 3. This has the added benefit of preventing incompatibilities between different Python versions.